
shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide

Perfume composer, certified ANFT forest therapy guide, traveller, photographer, jewellery maker, painter and gardener, I spend most of my time in the nature, either outside or in my indoor garden.

I love gingko trees and frangipani flowers, and the fragrances of all the different flowers and trees I meet during my walks and travels.

I guide Shinrin-Yoku walks in Prague and around, as well as in New York and in other places in the world during my travels. I also propose remotely guided Forest Bathing Nature Therapy sessions and guided nature meditations.



shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide

Masters in environmental conservation, activist, clinical LCSW therapist, writer of fiction, non-fiction & plays, ANFT certified forest & nature therapy guide. 

Ever since a little child, I found my passions and serenity in the wild. It is my belief that as humans connect to nature, we attain a sense of gentle balance or equilibrium - like touching the softness of moss, feeling the grass under our feet, smelling the freshness of an ocean or pine needles, listening to the chirp of a bird, or the rustle of a leaf.

As a Shinrin-Yoku forest therapy guide, I support and cultivate a safer space for individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. 

Living in Brooklyn, NYC I both guide walks in person and remotely, connecting people around the world to each others’ forest, beach, park, garden & to the forest within.



shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide

I'm Julia, self-nicknamed El Puma because I'm fascinated by these gracious cats that I was lucky to care for in Bolivia, and I'm an adventurer in love with nature.

I couldn't stand to work for the environment from a desk anymore, that's why I'm now a certified forest therapy guide!

Let me share with you nature's beauty and magic!



shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide

Nature is where I feel at home.

Originally from France, I travelled the world for most of my life in the discovery of nature’s wonders. Wherever I was, the message was the same: Welcome back home.

Nature allows us to reconnect to our true essential self and offers us all that we need. On the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, it supports our growth and well-being. Nature and Forest Therapy came to me as an answer for my wish to bring back this essential and sacred connection between humans and nature’s world.

Besides that, I am following an in-depth meditation teacher training over several years, practicing various forms of meditations, as well as Yoga / Tai-chi.

Furthermore, I am a permaculture gardener and love to spend time outside taking care of trees, plants, animals and other nature beings.

As a certified ANFT guide, I would like to invite you for a journey back to our roots.



shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide

Denise lives in both New York City and the Northwoods of Wisconsin because she finds nature everywhere. She claims that switching between city life and forest life helps to increase the intensity and diversity of her experiences with NATURE, pushing her whats-it-all-about curiosity into LOOKING DEEPER wherever she may be in the world.

As a certified autism specialist and special needs practitioner, she has worked with many adults, children, and their parents, with various cognitive, social, mental, and physical challenges in their homes, schools, vocational centers, and hospitals. 

Being a Forest Therapy Guide folds together her love of NATURE with her love of her life’s work. Her purpose behind guiding adults, children, and families of all levels of abilities, interests, and needs is to encourage their own deeper connections with NATURE to reap its undeniable benefits.


Suzi Soroczak

shinrin-yoku Forest bathing guide


I’m Suzi Soroczak, a certified ANFT forest bathing guide (2020). I have been guiding primarily in the Cleveland, Seattle, Washington D.C., and NYC areas.

I completed an MS degree in herbal medicine in 2021. I specialize in mindful practices for those living with chronic conditions like Type 2 Diabetes.